About Me and How Butters 3D Prints Started

About Me and How Butters 3D Prints Started

I had a deep love for Legos and 3D puzzles as a young child and still do to this day. While growing up it eventually became difficult to find puzzles that could stump me for more than a few days. By the time high school started I was designing my own wooden puzzles using tools from the garage and selling them at farmers markets.

I learned how to run 3D printers and create 3D models from my high school robotics team. These skills were then further shaped and honed designing parts for the analytical chemistry research team I was part of in college. Despite having a chemistry degree I managed to wind up working at a biotech company in the Process Engineering Department doing even more 3D printing.

Between graduating college and landing my current job I acquired my first 3D printer. I wanted a 3D printer since sixth grade, but once I finally got one it sat for a long time doing almost nothing. Eventually, I remembered how much fun it was to make puzzles as a kid, fired up the printer, and made this website.

That explains how this site got started, but why is it called Butters 3D Prints? Well, my sisters are mostly to blame for that. They have called me Butters for many years now, and if I do a favor for them they jokingly make up a business name: butters laundromat, butters taxi service, butters logistical planning, etc. It only felt right that I should follow tradition and name my real business accordingly.

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